/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2004 Dominic Radermacher Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include /* isdigit(), tolower() */ #include "s19stuff.h" static uint8_t _s19_chksum_val=0; uint8_t hex2chr(char *s) { return( ((isdigit(s[0])?s[0]-'0':tolower(s[0])-'a'+10)<<4) + (isdigit(s[1])?s[1]-'0':tolower(s[1])-'a'+10)); } void s19_chksum_init(void) { _s19_chksum_val=0; } void s19_chksum_add(uint8_t val) { _s19_chksum_val += val; } uint8_t s19_chksum_get(void) { return ~_s19_chksum_val; } int parse_s19_line(struct obj *bo, char *buf) { int i, len, addr, val; if(*buf++ != 'S') { return -1; } s19_chksum_init(); val=0; if(*buf == '0') { printf("ignoring S0 record\n"); return 0; } else if(*buf == '1') { len=hex2chr(++buf); s19_chksum_add(len); buf+=2; addr=hex2chr(buf); s19_chksum_add(addr); buf+=2; addr=addr<<8; val=hex2chr(buf); s19_chksum_add(val); addr+=val; buf+=2; for(i=0; icode[addr+i]=val; s19_chksum_add(val); buf+=2; } val=hex2chr(buf); if(val != s19_chksum_get()) { /* checksum does not match */ printf("Invalid checksum for S1 Record: len=%d bytes addr=%04x chk=%02x calc=%02x\n", len, addr, val, s19_chksum_get()); } if(bo->start_addr > addr) { bo->start_addr = addr; } if(bo->end_addr < (addr+len-3)) { bo->end_addr = addr+len-3; } } else if((*buf == '2') || (*buf == '3') || (*buf == '7') || (*buf == '8')) { printf("S%c records cant be loaded to the 68HC11 (16 bit adress only)\n", *buf); return -1; } else if(*buf == '5') { printf("S5 record count ignored\n"); return 0; } else if(*buf == '9') { printf("S9 record ignored yet\n"); return 0; } if(val != s19_chksum_get()) { printf("checksum error (found: %02x, expected: %02x)\n", val, s19_chksum_get()); } return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Description read from file 'f' to buffer 'd' of size 'size' until either the buffer is full, or \n or EOF is found. return the number of read octets or -1 if no octets could be read (EOF) -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int f_readline(FILE *f, char *buf, int size) { int n, c; char *p; for(n=0, p=buf; n stop and terminate */ *p++=c; n++; } else { if(n != 0) break; /* line NOT empty -> terminate */ return -1; /* else return -1 */ } } if(n < size) { /* we have left space to terminate string */ *p=0; } return n; } int load_s19file(struct obj *bo, char *file) { int i; char buf[515]; /* 'S1' + len (2 chars) + 255*2 + '\0' */ FILE *f; bo->start_addr=0xffff; bo->end_addr=0x0000; for(i=0; i<(int)sizeof(bo->code); bo->code[i++]=0); if((f=fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cant open file '%s'\n", file); return -1; } while((i=f_readline(f, buf, 515)) != -1) { parse_s19_line(bo, buf); } return 0; }